For the eighth year in a row, more than 100 dedicated bikers are strapping on their helmets and pedaling from Albany to Battery Park in Manhattan. The Great Hudson Valley Pedal — an adventure hosted by Parks & Trails New York that begins on July 31 and concludes on August 5 — provides riders with a unique way to tour the Valley. The hardy athletes not only enjoy a picturesque ride along the river, but also complimentary campsites and a few scrumptious breakfasts and dinners along the way. Those who might worry about leaving their belongings behind need not: trucks carting participants’ luggage and personal items trail not far behind. The numbers below tell the full story:
2 daily refreshment stops
3 opportunities for special tours (Olana, the CIA, and West Point)
5 bridge crossings
6 age of 2011’s youngest participant
10 towns to explore
24 states that sent athletes to last year’s Pedal
40 approximate number of miles biked each day
150 total number of cyclists in 2011
200 miles traversed
$595 cost per adult registration