Whether you really like the location or you’re simply trying to save a little cash, make sure you consider all details when booking a venue that holds two affairs concurrently (one after the other).
A bride-to-be asks: “My fiancé and I found a venue that’s quite lovely and fits our budget — but they do a mid-morning wedding and a second wedding at night. (Ours would be the evening one.) Are there any downsides to picking such a venue?”
The Wedding Guru says: I certainly understand the need to pare down the budget (plus, it’s great that you really like the venue)! Here are some possible downsides to being one of two weddings on the same day (all are hypothetical situations, of course):
The space hasn’t been totally cleaned up from the previous affair
The staff is worn out from the earlier event
If your event is first, you may feel rushed because another party is on your tails
Thankfully, most venues that double up are more than prepared to handle two events in one day — and do so seamlessly!
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