I am very much a proponent of the Boy Scout motto “Being prepared.” Of course you can’t truly anticipate everything that can possibly go wrong, but you can plan using some of the “lessons” that other brides have learned.
Dear Wedding Guru: “I admit it, I’m a worrywart. I have nightmares about all the things that might go wrong at my wedding. I want it to be perfect and I simply don’t know how to be ready. I’m spending so much time worrying about what might go wrong, that I’m not enjoying planning this wedding! What can you suggest?”
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(Our answer on next page)
The Wedding Guru says: If you are really having nightmares, perhaps it’d be a good idea to find a therapist who can help you reduce your anxiety and stress level, before you do yourself some permanent harm! Seriously though, why don’t you “treat yourself” to a wedding planner? I don’t know what your budget is, but many planners offer several consultations, a day-of-the-wedding package, or “full coverage” packages. Wedding planners have seen it all, been through it all — and have helped to solve it all. If your budget won’t allow for a wedding planner (or even if it does and you still want backup), I suggest that you put together an Emergency Wedding Kit.
Here are a few things to get you started:
- Masking/sewing tape or hem tape (great to hold up ripped hems)
- Clear nail polish (to stop runs in hose)
- Baby powder or chalk (to cover spills on your wedding gown)
- A sewing kit with thread the color of bride’s, attendants’, and moms’ dresses
Find a complete list of other helpful items on HudsonValleyWeddings.com’s Wedding Guide article “Better Safe than Sorry — Your Emergency Wedding Kit.”
Also keep in mind that your maid of honor and attendants will be there to help you through any kinks that may occur on your wedding day. Relax and enjoy!
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