With the ever-escalating cost of movie tickets, drive-ins give film fanatics the opportunity to see two movies for the price of one. But that’s not the only way to save; after all, you can pack your own food (and booze) if you don’t want to visit the concession stand. And where else can the whole family — dogs are welcome at most drive-ins, too — talk, toss a Frisbee, or just hang together in the great outdoors? Throw in the nostalgia factor, and you’ll see why so many folks still like to see flicks the old-fashioned way.
The Hollywood Drive-In has been around for more than 60 years, but with its new digital projector, it’s much more modern than many of the other drive-in theaters. Four hundred cars’ worth of moviegoers can catch a double feature at each showing; and the concession stand offers a variety of snacks. $9, $5 children.
Averill Park. 518-283-4425; www.hollywooddrivein.com
The Hyde Park Drive-In, located directly across from the FDR Museum and Library, has been in business for 64 years, and offers double features each night during the summer. The screen sits on 12 acres, and there’s room for 670 cars. $8, $5 ages 5-11, under 5 free. Discounted ticket books offer 10 tickets for $60.
Hyde Park. 845-229-4738; www.hydeparkdrivein.com
With a six-story-high screen (considered the largest in the tristate area) and room for 750 cars, the Overlook Drive-In is a big operation. Open rain or shine seven days a week, the theater broadcasts sound on FM 87.9 and accepts debit and credit cards at the fully stocked concession stand. Devoted fans say the tree-encircled grounds make it super-dark, which is perfect for optimal movie viewing. $8 ($5 on Mondays), $5 ages 5-11, under 5 free.
Poughkeepsie. 845-452-3445; www.overlookdrivein.com
Accomodating up to 800 cars, the Fair Oaks Drive-In presents family friendly films on their two big screens. Be sure to visit on Thursdays, when tickets prices are reduced. $8, $5 ages 5-11, under 5 free.
Middletown. 845-361-5774; www.thefairoaksdrivein.com
The Warwick Drive-In sits on 11 acres and — with three screens — shows a total of six different movies each night. And be sure to check out the snack bar, which advertises home-cooked food. $10, $6 seniors & children 4-11, under 4 free. 10-ticket discount book available for $70.
Warwick. 845-986-4440; www.warwickdrivein.com
One of the state’s largest — with four big-screens and room for 600 vehicles — the Hi-Way Drive-In has been in continuous operation since the Klein brothers opened it in 1951. The theater offers double features all week during the summer, as well as on spring and autumn weekends. The original neon marquee still welcomes guests at the entrance. $9, $4 ages 3-11, under 3 free.
Coxsackie. 518-731-8672; www.hiwaydrivein.com