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Be mindful to enhance each moment

Mohonk Mountain House

If you feel overwhelmed by the barrage of input, questions, and responsibilities that come your way in planning an event, don’t panic! Instead of creating a “mess rehearsal” as stress builds, take a moment to be mindful, says Nina Smiley, PhD, Director of Mindfulness Programming at Mohonk Mountain House. Before doing anything else, close your eyes and take three slow, full breaths. Inhale and exhale deeply as you gently let go of the many thoughts racing through your mind. As your mind begins to calm down, take a moment to be grateful for the all the joys of this event. Open your eyes with this new perspective and let yourself feel refreshed and renewed. Repeat as needed to enhance each moment of planning — and living — your very special day!


Mohonk Mountain House
1000 Mountain Rest Rd
New Paltz

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