Investing, building wealth, mortgages, loans, and making smart money decisions involves planning, research and the help of experts. For financial planners, investment brokers, wealth managers, trust attorneys, banks, and other professionals, Smart Money, a special partner content opportunity in the October issue of Hudson Valley, will provide the ideal environment to reach our affluent, interested readers.
- All advertisers receive a 75 word write-up in the special section.
- Full page advertisers receive a 1-year digital directory (value $300) + Partner Content post on Hudson Valley Today newsletter (value $500) as added value.
- Directory listing available for smaller ad sizes – $300 per listing.
- Smart Money partner content article will live indefinitely on HVMag.com.
To learn more, email sales@hvmag.com or fill out this form.
Full page $3,410
Half page $2,200
Third page $1,475
SPACE CLOSE: August 8, 2023
MATERIALS DUE: August 16, 2023
PUBLICATION DATE: September 15, 2023