Warwick artist Lisa Cullen has mastered the art of fashioning paper into attractive jewelry.
Her bracelets, earrings, and necklaces are super-durable – even waterproof – because they’re treated with resin. Bracelet, www.lisacullenart.com; jewelry also sold at Bertoni Gallery, 50 Main St, Warwick; www.bertonigallery.com/warwick​​
If you’re the creative type, whip up something violaceous with fabric or yarn – how about sewing up placemats to brighten your table, or crochet a hat, or a scarf?
Yarns: assorted wool, mohair, angora, alpaca, cotton and acrylic; fabrics, 100 percent cotton;
The Warm Ewe, 31 Main St, Chatham, 518.392.2929; www.thewarmewe.com
Okay, this lusciously lavender-scented candle by Village Common Mercantile isn’t purple, per se; but if you plant the organic seeds that accompany it, you’ll soon be playing in a plethora of purple petals.
Garden Collection, Village Common Mercantile LLC, 388 Main St, Catskill, 518.313.1310; www.thevillagecommon.com