The cookies may be sold by girls but the Girl Scout cookie sale is a sweet 100-year-old grand dame. The first sale occurred in 1917 when the Mistletoe Troop in Muskogee, Oklahoma, baked cookies and sold them in its high school cafeteria as a service project for the troops. In honor of this centennial, we put together some mouthwatering national facts. And if your favorite Scout hasn’t come knocking at your door yet, don’t fret, cookie booth sales will be held during Girl Scout Week (March 10-19) and again from April 7-May 13 at area locations.
Most Popular
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Random Crumbs
2.3 million
Total number of Girl Scouts
$656 million
Annual sales revenue from Girl Scout cookies
175 million
Annual number of Girl Scout cookie boxes sold
Record for most boxes sold by a single girl
(Jennifer Sharpe, age 15)
Number of Girl Scout cookie varieties
Percentage of sales that goes to local troops
Percentage of current Senators who were Girl Scouts
5 (out of the 6 females in office)
Current governors who were Girl Scouts
Cookie Tracker
There’s nothing like a yummy Thin Mint, Samoa, or Trefoil to satisfy your sweet tooth. But if no Girl Scouts are knocking on your door, what’s a cookie craver to do?
1) Visit a cookie sale booth. Girl Scouts Heart of the Hudson has booth sales scheduled from March 10-March 19 and from April 8-May 13. Booths will be held at:
Poughkeepsie Plaza Mall
Poughkeepsie Galleria
Crystal Run Galleria (Middletown)
Palisades Mall
Galleria in White Plains
The Westchester
However, not every location will have booths every day during those periods. Some are weekends only.
In addition, booths will be held at various MTA train stations and in many local supermarkets, bagel shops, gas/convenience stores, pizza shops, diners — any business that will allow it.
2) Go online. Visit the Girl Scout website at, and enter your zipcode in the “Find Cookies!” search box. Voila! A list of nearby booths, along with sales dates.
In April, the Girl Scouts will debut the Digital Cookie website. Customers can access individual Girl Scout sales as well as locate a booth sale in their neighborhood. Happy munching!
Famous Girl Scouts
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