Rhythm in the Night: An Irish Dance Spectacular |
Irish Heels Celtic Dance Troupe - Advertisement -
Step dancers leap across local stages.
For more than two decades, Joan McGrenaghan’s Celtic Heels Irish Dance Troupe has performed elaborate jigs and reels in our region. March 1, 11 a.m. $9, $7 children.
Celtic dance company Solas An Lae performs contemporary American-Irish numbers, choreographed by local directors Deirdre Lowry and Patrick Brown. March 14-16. Fri.-Sat. 8 p.m., Sun. 3 p.m. $20. Center for Performing Arts at Rhinebeck. 845-876-3080; centerforperformingarts.org
The U.S. premiere of a European production, Rhythm in the Night: An Irish Dance Spectacular tells the tale of legendary hero Balor as he tries to rid the land of the evil sorceress Azura. March 14-15, 8 p.m. $38-$70. Paramount Hudson Valley, Peekskill. 914-739-0039; paramounthudsonvalley.com