Roberta asks: “I’m fortunate to have a large family — and my great-grandmother and all eight of our grandparents will be at our wedding. For some, this may be the last significant family celebration they’ll attend. Other than ‘bringing’ these special people to the photographer, how can I make absolutely sure that the photographer gets photos of them?”
Dear Roberta: How lucky you are, indeed! To help ensure that photographer takes these critical shots, begin by describing each of your relatives to him. Give him cues about your VIPs such as clothing, distinguishing characteristics, and corsages/boutonnieres. (Even better — you can provide the photographer with a list and paste thumbnail images of each right onto the paper.) Last but not least, delegate a family member who knows all (or most) of these guests to act as the go-for and corral these folks to the photographer’s shooting spot.
Hope this helps!
Got a question for the Wedding Guru? E-mail judy@hudsonvallyeweddings.com, or write your comments in the box below.