I have to admit that I’m having a hard time getting used to the idea that it is actually 2010. Of course I’ve known that it was coming (after all, it very logically follows 2009), but still, the years are flying by and Twenty Ten just sounds so futuristic. Even New Year’s resolutions are more complicated this time around: not only is there a whole new year to think about, but a whole new decade! Where do you want to be in 2020?
Admittedly, that’s a lot to think about; it’s probably best to take it one step at a time. That’s the way we’re dealing with it at my house, where we joyously welcomed a new baby in September — several years after being told by our doctors to give up the dream of parenthood. So, while I still have the usual set of resolutions — climb Mt. Beacon three times a week, be a better person, limit myself to one Sonic shake a month, remember to make a reservation at the Culinary Institute, etc. — I am mainly resolved to just enjoy every moment of my daughter’s first year (yes, late-night feedings and diaper disasters included). I know how fast it will go by. And while I’ve already lain on the floor in the middle of the night sobbing at the thought of my little Lily leaving for college (God bless those hormones), I can only hope and dream that come 2020 she will be a happy and well-adjusted 10-year-old who climbs Mt. Beacon three times a week — or does anything else she puts her mind to.
And as for the magazine? Have no fear, while I do have babies on the brain, I’m not going to turn Hudson Valley into a parenting publication. No, this year we plan to bring you the most comprehensive coverage on all the great things that are happening in the Valley; an expanded dining section; profiles of the most interesting people and businesses; and much more. We’ll also be expanding our Web site with new blogs covering everything from sales of the week to the most fascinating foodie facts. So stay tuned.
But first, we all have to get through the winter. While many of us pray for snow around the holidays and jump for joy at a blizzard in January, it doesn’t take long before the cold weather blahs set in. That’s why you won’t want to miss “10 Ways to Beat the Winter Blues.” Sales at local boutiques, dance classes, sumptuous brunches, ice skating, and winter festivals are just a few of the ways we’ve found to not only survive, but thrive, this season.
Happy New Year.
Olivia J. Abel
Editor In Chief