Where in the Hudson Valley…?
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Just about anyone who’s been to Ellenville should recognize the copper statue dubbed the “Boy with the Leaking Boot” (he does, after all, have three replicas in town). While his story is unclear (a drowned newsboy? A member of a bucket brigade?), his location in the town square is certain. Contest winner and Highland resident Nancy Greenman pointed out the leaky lad right away, adding, “I enjoyed looking at it every Saturday evening in July when there were free concerts on the steps of the Friends Building.” This month, we award our prize to the lucky reader who can guess the location of a very patriotic plant — click here to identify it.
The three statues are located in the village’s Liberty Square (1997 model); the Public Library (1925); and the one presumed to date from 1908 is awaiting restoration. This last statue was made by J. L. Mott Iron Works and erected on the lawn of the house that was occupied by Henry Brodhead at the time. He was paymaster for the Mott Iron Works until the company moved from New York to New Jersey in 1908.
Amy Bella Rehberg
Via hvmag.com
One More Thing Every Valleyite Must Do
I was very happy to receive the August issue since we will spend 10 days in the Hudson Valley. The article (“25 Things Every Hudson Valleyite Must Do”) was very interesting, but where are the addresses, phone numbers, etc.? Why not include the information in the magazine? This omission is very annoying. Does 100 percent of your readership have a computer? And for the record, the house that we’re renting does not have Internet access.
Martha Levsky
New York
Motion Pictures
What fun reading how Peekskill literally becomes Hollywood (“A Peekskill Production,” August). Sharon Watts’ photo looks like pictures of my mom in the late ’20s.
Gary Gladstone
Via hvmag.com
A Pat on the Back
I am a chiropractor in Pomona and I just read Dale McKnight’s article “A Chiropractic Primer.” I am very impressed. The only thing that I would add is under the portion entitled “Extensive Training.” Chiropractors can continue with postgraduate education leading to board-certified diplomates in fields such as neurology, radiology, orthopedics, electrodiagnosis, and nutrition. This is one example of the progressive changes in chiropractic.
Jay H. Schwartz, DC, DIBE
Vax-D Center of New York