Letters to the Editor in December 2012

Read our letters to the editor for December 2012, including our Where in the Valley “Majestic Memorial” contest answer

Where in the Hudson Valley…?

Write to us: edit@hvmag.com

It might be difficult to be distracted from the stunning view overlooking the Hudson River at West Point, but if any landmark can accomplish that feat, surely it’s Trophy Point’s impressive Battle Monument — the nearly 50-foot-tall granite pillar dedicated to the Regular Army soldiers killed in the Civil War. Port Jervis resident Julie Takatsch recognized our “majestic memorial” right away, and took home our prize. She says, “I have done a few tours of West Point, it is a beautiful place. That is how I knew the answer (the tour guides were very informative).” This month, click here for our quiz about a distinguished Dutchman.

It’s one of my favorite places! I have pictures of me at this statue when I was a little girl. My family and I enjoy the outdoor concerts there in the summer.
Emily Russell
Via hvmag.com

Best praise

I was proud to see the Mid-Hudson Children’s Museum’s Saturday Late Night selected among “Best Free Fun for Kids” in your 2012 Best of the Hudson Valley issue (October). Offering a free evening at the time was a risky business decision, but I wanted to make the museum available for all of the children and families of our community. When I decided to team the free evening with StarLab presentions by the renowned educator, Lisa DiMarzo, attendance soared. Sponsors followed. The success of the Free Night is rewarding in its own right. The acclaim from your readers makes it all the better.
Edward Glisson
Former Executive Director, Mid-Hudson Children’s Museum

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Upstate humor

My husband and I laughed as I read “On Location” aloud (Final Word, November) as we traveled south on the Thruway from my brother’s home in what we officially consider “Upstate New York.” I recalled how, as a kid, I repeatedly tried to distance my parents’ home in Winterton from New York City during visits to my grandmother in North Carolina, where folks generally assume that New York is completely paved over. I’d say we were from “New York State, out in the country; lots of dairy farms” or something similar as the good folks of NC nodded at me, and I grew to understand that “the country” and “New York” did not compute in the same sentence. When I attended college in urban Westchester County and learned I was “upstate,” the esoteric NYS geography lesson was complete. Chris Reed’s illustration was perfect!
Sharon Lunden

From Twitter.com/HudsonValleyMag:
@HudsonValleyMag Only Plattsburgh is upstate, though my LI relatives insist that Westchester is.
Michele Flynn (@flynnzie)

From Facebook.com/HudsonValleyMagazine:
Love this, thanks for addressing this conundrum. I always just say I’m from “the Hudson Valley region.” That way, people don’t think I live on a dirt road, and they don’t think I’m Canadian either!
Courtney D. Williams

Anyplace in NY that isn’t within reasonable commuting distance of NYC is upstate, in my book. (I live in Rensselaer County.)
Rhea Tannenbaum

When I lived up in Watertown, any time I said I was from near Newburgh people would say, “Oh, you’re a city person.” It wasn’t even worth arguing over it!
Mary Laffin Hernandez

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Haha! I always say Upstate NY, its sounds so wordy to say I’m from the Mid-Hudson Valley of NY. People would probably look at me like I had three heads if I said that so I just consider anything north of Westchester upstate!
Allison Ann Oliver


From our “Top Dentists” feature (November): We misprinted the contact information for the following dental practitioners: Find Dr. Haitham Ennabi of Quality Dental Care, P.C. at 260 Lake Walton Road, Hopewell Junction; Dr. Alan I. Rosenfeld can be reached via phone by calling 845-359-1770, or online at www.dralanrosenfeld.com.

To meet all of our Top Dentists in 2012, click here.

In “Reading Room” (November), the author of “A Violet Season” is Kathy Leonard Czepiel; the updated version of her book’s cover can be found at www.hvmag.com/AVioletSeason.

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