Green as I Wanna Be Challenge 2010

What do you do “green?” Mama Greenest challenges you to do one small green thing every month until June. Can you go green?

In my New Year’s post I talked about committing (or recommitting) to an eco-conscious lifestyle by making small changes in your family’s habits. Apparently I’m not the only mama thinking this way. As I perused the Internet for some how-to info on stripping stinky diapers, I came across the One Small Change Challenge on the Hip Mountain Mama Web site, which is, in essence this: Make one small, green lifestyle change every month and blog about it. I LOVE THIS IDEA!

For months now I’ve been waxing poetic about green products, natural parenting, and clean living… but I’m no expert. I’m just a new mom with some deeply rooted convictions (and a job with Hudson Valley mag) — when I need to know something, I look it up, or ask someone else. I think all new moms do it this way. I’m lucky that I have a public forum to share what excites and inspires me, and part of what excites and inspires me are other people’s stories. So if there are any of you out there who have learned anything from me, now it’s time to return the favor. And to start living the fabulous green (or greener) life you feel deep down inside you should be living.

I challenge you: Start small and see where it takes you. Flex your earth-loving, tree-hugging muscles and then FILL ME IN. Every month between now and June, make a change. Then, tell us about it. Post a comment here with a link to your blog (where you can record your journey in detail), or, if you don’t have a blog, just tell us about what you’re doing right in the comments box below.

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It is my hope that this collective resolution can do a couple of things for you, dear readers: For one, it may be the structure you need to commit to some lifestyle renovations. Secondly, it’s a great way to find out what other like-minded mamas (and papas) out there in the Hudson Valley are doing to live more sustainably, locally, or all around earth-friendlier.

If you’re not sure where to start, click here for a few ideas.

Good luck, and THANK YOU!

girl with recycling symbol

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