1. The Builders Association of the Hudson Valley held its annual holiday party on Dec. 14 at Villa Borghese in Wappingers Falls. Taking part in the festivities were (from left) Pete Nurzia of Nurzia Construction, Cathy Hyland, Rachel Neuhaus, and Pete Berman of the Ruby Group
2. Dominican College launched its “Advancing Excellence” capital campaign to raise funds for programs and services at the school. Chef Peter X. Kelly — owner of Xavier’s Restaurant Group and a cochair of the college’s Friends Committee for Advancing Excellence — stands with Sr. Kathleen Sullivan, O.P., the college’s chancellor for external affairs
3-4. The Dutchess County Regional Chamber of Commerce held its annual Athena Awards cocktail reception at the Belvedere Mansion in Staatsburg on Nov. 30. The award honors local leaders who promote and support women in the workplace.
3. From left: Gordon and Donna McAleer, of McAleer & Associates in Goshen, attended the recepton along with Teri Egitto, R.N., administrator at Hudson Valley Center at Saint Francis
4. Dutchess Regional Chamber VP and CFO Audra Gerty (left) and Barbara Kram, corporate director of marketing at Health Quest, are all smiles at the event
5. Elinor and Charles Urstadt of Bronxville were honored for their community and public service during Historic Hudson Valley’s John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Founder’s Award Gala. About 200 guests attended the event, which raised more than $400,000 for the organization
6-7. Late last year, the Miles of Hope Breast Cancer Foundation received support from two local businesswomen.
6. During Breast Cancer Awareness Month last October, the Marlene Weber Day Spa donated a portion of proceeds from spa treatments and other services totaling $1,000 to Miles of Hope. Foundation cofounder Dana Effron (left) stands with owner Marlene Weber
7. Zumba exercise instructor
Carmen La Serna (left) helped raise $5,000 for Miles of Hope by hosting a “Zumbathon” at Bright Horizons at Casperkill in Poughkeepsie in November. Pictured with La Serna is Miles of Hope cofounder Cathy Varunok
8. Women in Transition Hudson Valley is an
organization that offers aid to women going through the process of divorce and separation. At a spa event held on Dec. 6 at Marlene Weber Day Spa, members of the group were offered massage and beauty treatments. Spa owner Marlene Weber (front row, second from left) poses with her staff of technicians