Many of us have been to a wedding where there was at least one mishap. The cake that gets dropped, knocked over, or “sampled” by a younger guest always makes us smile. (Obviously, that’s not how you’d feel if you dream that your wedding be just perfect.) I understand that on your special day, you want to make every contingency plan to keep glitches to a minimum. That’s a good idea. But, of course, goofs happen at almost every wedding. Promise yourself that the “harmless” blips won’t bother you. There are, however, things you can deal with in advance to keep serious problems from occurring.Peter asks:“I bought a pair of dress shoes for my wedding day. When I tried them on, to my dismay, I realized that they’re really slippery. I’m concerned about falling and don’t want to have to watch my every step. Any suggestions to keep me standing upright?”Dear Peter: Both you and your bride can solve that problem fairly easily by scoring the bottom of the shoe. Do a cross-hatch with a sharp knife or razor blade — just be careful not to cut through the sole into the shoe. If you can find one, you can also visit your local shoe repair shop. Shoemakers carry a special “roughed” pads that can be glued to the bottom. (Some of these pads are self-sticking, so all you have to do is peel off the paper backing, and then glue the pads to your shoes.)I absolutely believe in the adage that for a wedding, as for everything in life, “better safe than sorry” is a good motto. With that in mind, check out’s “Better Safe than Sorry: Your Emergency Wedding Kit.” Though eventually, there will come a point where you’ve taken as many precautions as you can, so sit back, relax, and enjoy yourself!To submit your own question to “The Wedding Guru,” add your comment to the box below or send an e-mail to