Crack open any schoolkid’s lunch box and you’ll most likely find an Empire apple in there. A cross between the McIntosh and Red Delicious varieties, this sturdy apple was first grown in 1966 and doesn’t bruise easily, so it’s our go-to cafeteria snack.
Taste: Sweet and juicy, with a crispy flesh
Use: Eating, salads, sauces, baking, roasting, sautéing; good for freezing
Nutritional value: A good source of soluble and insoluble fiber (proven to lower cholesterol, promote healthy digestion, and prevent heart disease); contains vitamins A and C, mostly in the skin
Fun fact: Pair it with pumpkin, pears, sharp cheeses, and warm spices like ginger, cinnamon, and nutmeg for a rich, autumn taste
Availability: September through August
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